Sharing a collection run

Sharing a collection run is simple. You just export the collection run from the collection runner and the recipient imports it into their Postman app.

Exporting a run

To export a collection run, click on the download icon that appears when you hover over over a run. You can then save the generated JSON file wherever you want.

export collection run

If the collection run name isn’t enough to decide which run you want to export, open up the run by clicking on the collection run. Then, click on the Export Results button in the Runner’s header. You can then save the generated JSON file wherever you want.

export results

Importing a run

To import a run that someone shared with you, you’ll have to click on the orange Import Test Runbutton on the Runner’s selection screen. This will then open up an explorer that you can use to navigate and import a JSON collection run.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""