安装 Postman

Postman 客户端

Postman 客户端支持 Mac、Windows 和 Linux系统。

前往应用页 点击 Download 下载适合自己的版本。

Postman apps page

macOS 安装

Once you’ve downloaded app, you can drag the file to the “Applications” folder. Double click on Postman to open the application.

Windows 安装

  • 下载安装文件
  • 运行安装程序

Linux 安装

Postman Chrome 应用

虽然我们支持谷歌浏览器插件,但是推荐使用原生客户端。了解更多关于为什么 Postman 将弃用谷歌应用.

Postman 谷歌应用只能在谷歌浏览器上运行。在使用前你必需先安装谷歌浏览器.

如果你已经安装了 谷歌浏览器,前往谷歌应用商店搜索 Postman,然后点击“Add to Chrome”下载

下载所需时间取决于你的网络环境。下载完成后你可以运行 Postman


Postman’s native apps are built on Electron, and overcome a number of restrictions of the Chrome platform.

A few features exclusive to the native apps are listed here:


The native apps let you work with cookies directly. Unlike the Chrome app, no separate extension (Interceptor) is needed.

Built-in proxy

The native apps come with a built-in proxy that you can use to capture network traffic.

The native apps are not restricted by the Chrome standards for the menu bar. With the native apps, you can create collections, switch to history requests, and more.

Restricted headers

The latest versions of the native apps let you send headers like Origin and User-Agent. These are restricted in the Chrome app.

Don’t follow redirects option

This option exists in the native apps to prevent requests that return a 300-series response from being automatically redirected. Previously, users needed to use the Interceptor extension to do this in the Chrome app.

Postman console

The latest version of the native app also has a built-in console, which allows you to view the network request details for API calls.

Migrating to the native app

It’s simple. Sign in to your Postman account after you download and start the new native app, and all your history and collections will be automatically synced.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to sign in to your Postman account, you can bulk export your Postman data from the Chrome app, and then bulk import into the new native app.

import data

Bulk export

From the Postman settings, select the Data tab and click the Download button to export all your collections, environments, globals and header presets to a single dump file.

Bulk import

From the same area in Postman settings, you can initiate a bulk import from a Postman data dump file. This will overwrite your existing data so be a little careful.

Updating Postman

Native app (Mac, Windows and Linux)

Postman’s native apps will check for updates whenever the app reloads, or is launched. The app will display the changelog prompting you to update the app.


Mac and Windows

Click Update to download the latest update. You will be notified when the download is complete prompting you to restart the Postman app to apply the updates. If you’re not ready to update yet, click Remind me later to prompt you again after the next app reload or launch.

You can also configure your preferences to automatically download updates under the Update tab within the SETTINGS modal.

  • All
  • Minor fixes
  • None

All - Downloads all updates automatically and will show a small notification at the top prompting you to restart the app to apply the updates.

Minor fixes - You will be notified of all major updates, and other minor fixes will automatically download prompting you to restart the app to apply the updates.

None - This will show up the update version every time it finds a update for your current version.

set automatic updates in settings

Troubleshooting updates in macOS Sierra

We have received user feedback that the Mac update does not complete successfully, even after downloading the update for macOS Sierra.

This can be solved by moving the app out of the Downloads directory. The Postman updater is unable to switch the downloaded version on the read-only memory, initially assigned for the downloaded apps by macOS Sierra.

If you continue experiencing difficulty with the update, fetch the logs from ~/Library/Caches/com.postmanlabs.mac.ShipIt in your system and let us know.


Postman’s native app on Linux will notify you whenever an update is available. If an update is available, you need to download the latest version of the application, and replace the current application directory with the new version. Postman stores all user data outside of the application directory, so you can safely replace the current application directory with the new version.

Since Postman’s native apps check for updates only on app reload or launch, at any time, you can force a check for updates under the Update tab in the SETTINGS modal of the app.

check for updates


Postman’s Chrome app is usually updated automatically. However, Postman doesn’t control the Chrome app update flow, and Chrome sometimes doesn’t update the app for long periods of time.

The latest version is visible on Postman’s Web Store listing.

To manually force an update, here’s what you need to do in Chrome:

  1. In the address bar, type chrome://extensions.
  2. At the top of the page, check and enable Developer Mode.
  3. Click the Update extensions now button beneath Developer Mode.

Chrome developer mode

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