Postman Sandbox API reference

Note: The functionality described here is exclusive to Postman’s native apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Global functions (pm.*)


require(moduleName:String):function → *

The require function allows you to use the sandbox built-in library modules. The list of available libraries are listed below. The list links to their corresponding documentation.

  1. atob → v2.0.3
  2. btoa → v1.1.2
  3. chai → v3.5.0
  4. cheerio → v0.22.0
  5. crypto-js → v3.1.9-1
  6. csv-parse/lib/sync → 1.2.1
  7. lodash → v4.17.2 (when used with require, the inbuilt _ object is for v3.10.1)
  8. moment → v2.18.1 (sans locales)
  9. postman-collection → v1.2.0
  10. tv4 → v1.2.7
  11. uuid → (the module loaded is a shim for original module)
  12. xml2js → 0.4.19

A number of NodeJS modules are also available:

  1. path
  2. assert
  3. buffer
  4. util
  5. url
  6. punycode
  7. querystring
  8. string_decoder
  9. stream
  10. timers
  11. events

In order to use a library, simply call the require function and pass the module name as a parameter and assign the return of the function to a variable.

var atob = require('atob'),
    _ = require('lodash'), 


arrayOfStrings =  = ['string1', 'string2'];

base64Strings =, atob); 




The pm object encloses all information pertaining to the script being executed and allows one to access a copy of the request being sent or the response received. It also allows one to get and set environment and global variables.

The object contains information pertaining to the script being executed. Useful information such as the request name, request Id, and iteration count are stored inside of this object.

  • Contains information whether the script being executed is a “prerequest” or a “test” script.
  • Is the value of the current iteration being run.
  • Is the total number of iterations that are scheduled to run.



The pm.sendRequest function allows sending HTTP/HTTPS requests asynchronously. Simply put, with asynchronous scripts, you can now execute logic in the background if you have a heavy computational task or are sending multiple requests. Instead of waiting for a call to complete and blocking any next requests, you can designate a callback function and be notified when the underlying operation has finished.

Some things to know about pm.sendRequest():

  • The method accepts a collection SDK compliant request and a callback. The callback receives 2 arguments, an error (if any) and SDK compliant response.
  • It can be used in the pre-request or the test script.
// example with a plain string URL
pm.sendRequest('', function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        pm.environment.set("variable_key", "new_value");

// Example with a full fledged SDK Request
const echoPostRequest = {
  url: '',
  method: 'POST',
  header: 'headername1:value1',
  body: {
    mode: 'raw',
    raw: JSON.stringify({ key: 'this is json' })
pm.sendRequest(echoPostRequest, function (err, res) {
  console.log(err ? err : res.json());

// example containing a test ** under the Tests tab only
pm.sendRequest('', function (err, res) {
  if (err) { console.log(err); }
  pm.test('response should be okay to process', function () {
    pm.expect(res)'code', 200);
    pm.expect(res)'status', 'OK');

Extended Reference:



  • pm.globals.has(variableName:String):function → Boolean
  • pm.globals.get(variableName:String):function → *
  • pm.globals.set(variableName:String, variableValue:String):function
  • pm.globals.unset(variableName:String):function
  • pm.globals.clear():function
  • pm.globals.toObject():function → Object


s", sans-serif; font-weight: 600; line-height: 50px; color: rgb(40, 40, 40); margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 30px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;">Postman Sandbox API referenceNote: The functionality described here is exclusive to Postman’s native apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Global functions (pm.*)


require(moduleName:String):function → *

The require function allows you to use the sandbox built-in library modules. The list of available libraries are listed below. The list links to their corresponding documentation.

  1. atob → v2.0.3
  2. btoa → v1.1.2
  3. chai → v3.5.0
  4. cheerio → v0.22.0
  5. crypto-js → v3.1.9-1
  6. csv-parse/lib/sync → 1.2.1
  7. lodash → v4.17.2 (when used with require, the inbuilt _ object is for v3.10.1)
  8. moment → v2.18.1 (sans locales)
  9. postman-collection → v1.2.0
  10. tv4 → v1.2.7
  11. uuid → (the module loaded is a shim for original module)
  12. xml2js → 0.4.19

A number of NodeJS modules are also available:

  1. path
  2. assert
  3. buffer
  4. util
  5. url
  6. punycode
  7. querystring
  8. string_decoder
  9. stream
  10. timers
  11. events

In order to use a library, simply call the require function and pass the module name as a parameter and assign the return of the function to a variable.

var atob = require('atob'),
    _ = require('lodash'), 


arrayOfStrings =  = ['string1', 'string2'];

base64Strings =, atob); 




The pm object encloses all information pertaining to the script being executed and allows one to access a copy of the request being sent or the response received. It also allows one to get and set environment and global variables.

The object contains information pertaining to the script being executed. Useful information such as the request name, request Id, and iteration count are stored inside of this object.

  • Contains information whether the script being executed is a “prerequest” or a “test” script.
  • Is the value of the current iteration being run.
  • Is the total number of iterations that are scheduled to run.



The pm.sendRequest function allows sending HTTP/HTTPS requests asynchronously. Simply put, with asynchronous scripts, you can now execute logic in the background if you have a heavy computational task or are sending multiple requests. Instead of waiting for a call to complete and blocking any next requests, you can designate a callback function and be notified when the underlying operation has finished.

Some things to know about pm.sendRequest():

  • The method accepts a collection SDK compliant request and a callback. The callback receives 2 arguments, an error (if any) and SDK compliant response.
  • It can be used in the pre-request or the test script.
// example with a plain string URL
pm.sendRequest('', function (err, res) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
        pm.environment.set("variable_key", "new_value");

// Example with a full fledged SDK Request
const echoPostRequest = {
  url: '',
  method: 'POST',
  header: 'headername1:value1',
  body: {
    mode: 'raw',
    raw: JSON.stringify({ key: 'this is json' })
pm.sendRequest(echoPostRequest, function (err, res) {
  console.log(err ? err : res.json());

// example containing a test ** under the Tests tab only
pm.sendRequest('', function (err, res) {
  if (err) { console.log(err); }
  pm.test('response should be okay to process', function () {
    pm.expect(res)'code', 200);
    pm.expect(res)'status', 'OK');

Extended Reference:



  • pm.globals.has(variableName:String):function → Boolean
  • pm.globals.get(variableName:String):function → *
  • pm.globals.set(variableName:String, variableValue:String):function
  • pm.globals.unset(variableName:String):function
  • pm.globals.clear():function
  • pm.globals.toObject():function → Object


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    No results matching ""